If you are a home owner facing Foreclosure, we may be able to help you through a process known in the industry as a “Short Sale.” A Short Sale is a process where we get your bank committed to accepting a reduced pay-off on your mortgage loan.
A Short Sale can help you avoid Foreclosure and save your credit!
A short sale can be an excellent solution for homeowners who need to sell property, and who owe more on their homes than they are worth. In the past, it was rare for a bank or lender to accept a short sale. Today, however, due to overwhelming market changes, banks and lenders have become much more negotiable when it comes to these transactions. Recent changes in corporate policy and the Obama administration have also improved the chances of getting a short sale approved.
Banks are changing requirements, procedures, and qualifications almost daily. We know how to deal with these changes correctly, making offers more effective. We have helped many homeowners in the same situation you may find yourself in. Alligator Property Management is on your side.